Open form from a button


Please forgive me as I imagine this is straight forward for a lot of people, but I'm not from a technical background!

We have recently started using Plumsail Forms as an alternative to Forms Designer following some errors and issues.
In Forms Designer I had some code for OnClick in order to make a specified form open when clicking a button from a display form. The code was as follows -


This doesn't work in Plumsail Forms. We tried using the following to start with but I'm not sure what comes next -


I can get the first part to work (for example, on click I can get a notification to pop up) but I cannot get it to open a specific edit form from a different form set.

Please can anyone advise how I do this?

Thank you


Hello Ashleigh,

Welcome to Plumsail Community!

Yes, openForm() function is not available in Plumsail Forms. Instead, you can use a simple redirection on a button click. Please paste this code in the OnClick setting of the button to open the appropriate form set:

//replace "" with path to your site
var sitePath = '';
var listName = fd.listUrl.split('/')[2];
var itemId = fd.itemId;
//specify the form set ID
var formSetId = 'c46596f4-3325-43d5-86f9-77fc72d52ad4';

window.location.href = sitePath + '/SitePages/PlumsailForms/' + listName + '/Item/' + formSetId + '/EditForm.aspx?item=' + itemId;



That's fantastic, thank you so much! That worked!


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Hi. Have something changed inside Forms that causes this Button-click logic to stop working?
I try to use it but end ut in an "invalid URL" message.

From what I can see you build a URL in this structure: /Site Pages/PlumsailForms//Item//*.aspx

This does not seem to match what Forms is creating in my site.
Here I have the structure: /Site Pages/PlumsailForms///*.aspx

There does not seem to be subdirectories created pr subformId.

Please instruct what need to be done to use button to route to a given seubset form.

Hello @geirmat,

Do you have only once content type in the list?

Can you open a form set and share its url so I could suggest the solution.