Passing parameters to 'Start a site workflow' action

Can you explain how to consume parameters passed to the ‘Start a site workflow (2013)’ action?

I want to pass a date and an integer parameter. Here’s what I tried:

In the calling workflow, build a Dictionary with Date and Integer parameters. Set the Input parameters property of the Start a Site Workflow (2013) action to this dictionary, and run the action.

In the receiving workflow, use Initiation Form Parameters to add variables with the same names as those in the Dictionary above, using ‘Date and Time’ for the date parameter and ‘Number (1,1.0,100)’ for the integer parameter.

I’ve found that the Date parameter passes correctly, but the number parameter just ends up as whatever default was set in ‘Initiation Form Parameters’.

Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong please?

Hello Jonathan,

I have created a test workflow to reproduce the issue, but in my case, everything works fine.
Log WF

Start WF

Result of Log WF

You could try to reproduce the workflow above it should work similarly.
I suppose the issue can be in your workflow, so you can send a screenshot of it on, we will try to reproduce your case.

Thanks Roman

I’ve been successful now with

  • in the receiving workflow, set the incoming variables as Local Variables rather than Initiation Form Parameters
  • pass the integer as a string rather than an integer

This worked OK. Next time I need to do this I’ll try passing as an integer again and get back to you if it doesn’t work!
