People field filtering

Is it possible to pre-filter a people field?

Dear Phil,
What type of filtering are you thinking about? Currently, the only options available are from the default Person column configuration, such as select users from certain group. You can select this option in List Settings -> Person/Group column config.

Dear @Nikita_Kurguzov

Thank you for your feedback. The idea is to filter the people field by multiple groups (not only one as it is possible by the Person column configuration).

Additionally it would be nice to by able to configure a display template (identical to lookup fields) - say show additional information in the drop-down like the company.

Is there any possiblity?


Dear @phil,

Unfortunately, these options are not available out-of-the-box. We can provide a paid support to implement a mechanism to handle the event when users are retrieved, but the users are retrieved without groups with only the basic info. You’ll need to write your own code to check what groups users belong to, etc.

If you are interested, you should write a request to our email