Plumsail Helpdesk cannot add comments

Every time a user adds a comment it just disappears and never adds on save. I tried adding through a Power Automate workflow and get the error Below.

"error": "Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found)."

With headers

"Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload",
"Referrer-Policy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
"CF-Cache-Status": "DYNAMIC",
"Report-To": "{"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/report\/v3?s=I733DarMIm5Fem1D4T8VtDW0J6Fwfm2KNjYfF%2BeuJEij0YBc%2BeqxHl4PmNia1m4pYu%2BbhbsagkWvmoG3olEx32EhQKbgAHZx1sMs69pIi9J1gW6oNzuAEzGT5jhFypFF1bYaWilmkMGIMnGFHHwuzjE%3D"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}",
"NEL": "{"success_fraction":0,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}",
"X-Content-Type-Options": "nosniff",
"CF-RAY": "8183e3280e45ceaf-SJC",
"Alt-Svc": "h3=":443"",
"Timing-Allow-Origin": "*",
"x-ms-apihub-cached-response": "false",
"x-ms-apihub-obo": "false",
"Date": "Wed, 18 Oct 2023 21:31:19 GMT",
"Content-Length": "83",
"Content-Type": "application/json"


I am sorry for the incident. Unfortunately, developers could not find any useful information in our logs so we need you to assist.

  1. Provide the list of HelpDesk URLs where the issue persists.
  2. Provide sample ticket IDs where the issue was reproduced recently (if there are multiple HelpDesks with the issue, please specify the accordant URL).
  3. Describe steps for reproducing the issue (we tested adding comments through HelpDesk interface and Power Automate and both options worked).
  4. If you customised forms, export and share them.
  5. If you can reproduce the issue with adding comments through Power Automate, please save as text and share the raw inputs and outputs of the failed action.
  6. Reproduce the issue with adding comments through HelpDesk interface and collect logs and network data as per instruction below.

Load the page in incognito mode, open developer tools (F12), switch to the ‘Network’ tab and reproduce the issue. Then export a HAR file:

Switch to the ‘Console’ tab, open the context menu of any record and save the logs:

Share the collected data.