I'm looking to do an API call on form load. I want to populate a dropdown with a list of project names then on select of the project name a second dropdown would be populated with a list of task names inside the project.
The call return for projects looks something like this:
"personid": 369465,
"status": "OK",
"code": 200,
"listcount": 28,
"project": [
"id": "1298760",
"name": "Admin",
"description": "
Admin time bucket for general administration work, emails, phone calls, meetings, monitoring, break-fix etc.
","datestart": "2022-09-26",
"dateend": null,
"alert_percent": "0",
"alert_date": null,
"active": "t",
"billable": "f",
"budget": null,
"clientid": "372058",
"client": "Data Services",
"clientlocalid": "17",
"labelid": null,
"label": null,
"labelcolor": null,
"label_order": null,
"localidunpadded": "207",
"localid": "00207",
"manager": "Tom Wolfenden",
"managerid": "371286"
"id": "1286239",
"name": "Azure Data Factory - change control (DevOps or GitHub)",
"description": "
Enable change control on the Azure environment.
","datestart": "2022-06-20",
"dateend": null,
"alert_percent": "0",
"alert_date": null,
"active": "t",
"billable": "f",
"budget": null,
"clientid": "372058",
"client": "Data Services",
"clientlocalid": "17",
"labelid": null,
"label": null,
"labelcolor": null,
"label_order": null,
"localidunpadded": "142",
"localid": "00142",
"manager": "Tom Wolfenden",
"managerid": "371286"