Possible to Mail Merge on a Multi Column Template?

I have an application where I need to mail merge two different customer receipts per page. These are then printed and cut down the middle. I know that Pandoc can create this format (as shown in this demo) but I can't seem to find an example for Plumsail. Can Plumsail do this?

Hello @Andrew_Agostini,

Please check out the example. It's maybe not exactly as your request but it could help to start creating the flow and then we can tweak it specifically for your needs.

Best regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail team

Hmmm, I don't think that addresses the main concern. The goal is to be able to have two or more columns of the same styled document on a single page so that it can be cut down. For example, I have this document which is two receipts for two different customers:

Once printed, it will be cut down the middle. The amount of information we need to included per receipt is so little that it doesn't really merit a full blown page of paper. Plus, by cutting it, my clients save on paper. In practice, it would be better to just print on a smaller piece of paper, but my clients don't necessarily have that smaller paper on hand and would prefer to cut pages in half. Does that makes sense? Can your template engine accommodate this?

Hi @Andrew_Agostini,

It could be achieved by preparing the source template. For example you can try to use repeat multiple table rows example.

Also, if you decide to set 2 columns per page you can do this and add the related tags to each column. Then you fill the columns in the Flow and cut after printing.

Best regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail team