Power Automate and Merge PDF Issue - Please renew the Subscription - but it has been renewed

I have used the merge pdf action for a poc. Then the poc has been a success, and we have suscribed to PlumSail.
Then I have updated the new connexion to PlumSail with a new API key.
But now the step with the PlumSail Merge PDF action run into an error with this message :slight_smile:

Please renew the subscription (Plumsail Account). It has been expired.

Is any one facing the same issue after subscribing to PlumSail ?

Thanks for your feedback,

Brest regards,


Hi @jeremiecoste,

you have an active Folder subscription but the subscription is associated with this account angelique.mathieu@saria.fr

You need to login in under this email and create an API key.

Also, I can reassign the license to your email if you wish.

Best regards,
Plumsail team