Power Automate process failed: Broker returned null result for operation

I have a Power Automate flow, which generates the documents. Document generating process sometimes fails.

In my account the process history is this:
|Sep 08, 07:01 PM (8 days ago)|Broker returned null result for operation|
|Sep 08, 06:57 PM (8 days ago)|Converting DOCX to PDF|
|Sep 08, 06:57 PM (8 days ago)|Applying DOCX template finished|
|Sep 08, 06:57 PM (8 days ago)|Applying DOCX template|
|Sep 08, 06:57 PM (8 days ago)|Process is started|

Here is the Power Automate action:

What could be the problem? I've created 3 document succesfully and one failed.

Hello @mizseiv,

Could you let me know if the issue persists?

Best regards,
Plumsail team

@Petr, I hope not. I think it was a transient error. That's why I've asked, what that errormessage mean.

Hello @mizseiv,

I passed the details of the issue to our developers and they are going to improve the service architecture to avoid this issue in the future. Please accept my apology for the service interruption.

Best regards,
Plumsail team