Problem when Accordian Children container is disabled

i am doing the following in order to disable an accordian container:
For java script:

//Hide/Show Controls on Load ####
function SubProcOnLoadShowHideControls() {
	if (fd.field('EntityRelatedToOrders').value === true) {
     	// Show Related Controls
        fd.container('ChurchEntityAccordion').$children[1].disabled = false;
		fd.container('ChurchEntityAccordion').$children[2].disabled = false;

    } else {
		//Hide Related Controls
		fd.container('ChurchEntityAccordion').$children[1].disabled = true;
		fd.container('ChurchEntityAccordion').$children[2].disabled = true;

For the CSS i am using this script to hide accordian container disable children:

.accordion .disabled{
display: none;

the script is working.
I have an issue when i hide the controls and disable the accordian container children, still seeing a trace for the disabled children if i click them will expend but it is blank as the controls are hidden how to fix that the trace it should be hidden too

kindly check the attached pictures

Dear @gkhadra,
Please, try the following code to hide sections:
And the following code to show:

Thank you @Nikita_Kurguzov for your help.