Problem with URL when creating hyperlink: curly brackets get parsed within Powerpoint

I am trying to insert a hyperlink, where I want the URL to be {{URL}}. However, when closing the Link dialog box in powerpoint, the ugly brackets are replaced, and it says %252525257B%252525257BURL%252525257D%252525257D

How can I circumvent this issue, in order to insert my desired URL into the hyperlink?

Hi @owinton,

I tried to add the URL token into the template and it works ok.

The result:

Best regards,
Plumsail team

When I close the dialog box and open it again, the curly brackets have been "parsed" to a HTML-like code instead.

Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 10.51.25

I am using macOS. I also tried on my colleagues Windows machine, and a similar thing happened, although the curly brackets were parsed to something shorter.

Hi @owinton,

Yes, I checked it an the brackets are changed the same way as yours if I open the link settings again. Anyway, If I pass a real link in Json, the token is replaced correctly. Does it work for you or the link becomes broken in the result document?

Best regards,
Plumsail team

If I enter {{anbefaling1URL}} in the dialog box, and upload I get this both in the Google slides editor and in the finished document.


Do you have any workarounds for this issue?

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 11.28.35

Hi @owinton,

Could you please try using some simple URL like Does your URL contain any special characters, or is it in a language other than English?

I can never get to parsing the URL itself, because the URL field gets corrupted when using curly brackets.

Hi @owinton,

Thank you for the clarification.

Please try using Microsoft PowerPoint desktop application to edit your template. It is important to make this change in the desktop app and not in a web-editor or using third-party software. You can also send the template to me in PM and I will do it for you.

I originally tried on the desktop version. The online was just to double check. I have tried both on Mac and Windows.

Hi @owinton,

Our developers will improve it in some of the future releases. The syntax will be like this:
{{#link order.title}} but there is no due dates.

You can try this workaround at the moment:

The brackets should be converted in a hyperlink so that %7b is equivalent to { , and %7d is equivalent to } . If it's converted in some other way, it may not work.Try to add the brackets manually already formatted for the URL, i.e., add this {{URL}} token like this: %7b%7bURL%7d%7d

Also, I double checked my template in Windows Power Point desktop app and the brackets are replaced the same way and the link works when I send a real data in Json.

Best regards,
Plumsail team