Read only list - selectable


I'm wonder if there is a way to enable selecting items viewed on form in list or table control. Items are from external list which is read only.
Of course I have a work around and prepare dropdown for users, but list would be more comfortable.


Hello @Marcin,

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you want to design. Please share more details, some screenshots also would be helpful.

Of course.
Partly I solved the issue.
The goal is to show user a list of contractors filtered by vattaxid (from other field) so they can select proper one and form shall write values of record to additional sp fields. List of contractors is read only external list.
The query and filter with getbyTitle is of course not a problem - I have it.
The problem is to present it in the way user can select and form later read data from selected record.
I tried to use List or DateTable connecting to list. But these records where shown in view only mode. No way to select.
Finally I pushed result of the query to DataTable with fd.control('dtContractors').value.push(resultItem); - also added boolean column "Selected" equal 0 by default. But checkbox or slider is not visible by default.

Additionally I need to get rid of delete icon (action) and New button.
Selected record I need to copy to other fields in the form.

ok. New button and Delete icon and column removed :slight_smile:

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