RealTime Data List In PLumsail Form

Is there any ways that I can make realtime data for my business?

Example: I have a form that can be accessed by many user. When one user edits something in this form, another users will see the modification immediately.

Hello @minh_cuong_le,

Two users can't edit the same item simultaneously. In SharePoint list, if someone has updated the list item value when you’re editing the same item, the latest changes will be saved and overwrite the previous ones.

You can only notify a user that the form is edited by another user. For instance, you can save the login of the current user and the current time into a separate field with PNPjs and check this field on opening the form. If the field has been changed recently and the login name does not match the current user, then display a conflicting message.

If you need help with the code, you can use paid support. Please contact us via for more details.

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