Redirect Dialog after Save

I have a form that is sometimes launched directly from the list, and sometimes from a List/Library control in a Dialog.

I have the following code which works when launched directly:

fd.spSaved(function(result) {
result.RedirectUrl =${fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id}&ID=${result.Id};

However, when the form is in a Dialog the Dialog just closes.

How do I prevent the Dialog from closing automatically on save?

Hello @sphilson,

And what do you want to do when the from is opened in a dialog and saved? Do you need to redirect a user to the newly created item or open it in a new tab?

In this particular scenario, I have a "New" Form, that upon saving I want to redirect to the Edit Form after they save.


In this case you can open a new dialog with the edit form when the item is created using the code:

fd.control('SPDataTable1').$on('change', function(changeData) {
    if (changeData.type === 'add') {"" + changeData.itemId, { }, { }, { width: 400, height: 400 });

Update the URL in the code before using it on the form.

Getting closer :slightly_smiling_face:
I have the Dialog opening but, something is not loading right.
After launching the Dialog, the Close Button does not work, and it throws an error:

spform.js:51 TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined

I have removed all of my code on the Dialogs to make sure it is not something I am doing, and there is no change,

One thing I tried was to redirect to the Display form, and the close button throws the error, but the Edit button worked, so I clicked on that, which worked, and the Dialog form went to the Edit version, but then the Save and Close both throw the error. WHen I redirect to teh Edit, neither the Close or Save buttons work

Hello @sphilson,

Yes, I see. Please try out the code below.

fd.control('SPDataTable1').$on('change', function(changeData) {
    if (changeData.type === 'add') {
        var newItemID = changeData.itemId;
  "" + newItemID,
            { args: 'something' }, function(hasSaved) {
                    alert('Form in dialog has saved and closed.');
                    alert('Dialog form was closed without saving!');
                }, { width: 600, height: 600  });
            }, 3000);
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This worked. Thank you!!!!!

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