Redirect to Edit Form doesn't work on New Form Panel

Hiya Plumsail

We have a form that is in a large panel:

But we are doing a redirect on the new form to a custom edit form that creates some extra related items in another list on save of the item. But the redirect doesn't work if the form is in a panel.

The redirect does work when the form is not in a panel.

Is there some extra Javacript I need to get the panel form to redirect on save or is it not possible?


Hello @Jamal_Smith-Graham,

Yes, the default redirection doesn't work in a panel. Please try out the below code to redirect user from New to Edit form when the form is opened in the panel.

fd.spSaved(function(result) {
    var listId = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id;
    var itemId = result.Id;
    if (fd.isPanel) {
        const formCommands = new window.Plumsail.FormCommands({
            webUrl: fd._formManager._webUrl,
            listId: listId,
            listUrl: fd._formManager._listUrl,
            culture: _spPageContextInfo.currentUICultureName,
            language: _spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage,
            componentLoader: window._spComponentLoader
        formCommands.load().then(function() {
                itemId: itemId,
                contentTypeId: fd.contentTypeId,
                formType: "Edit",
                rootFolder: fd.rootFolder
    } else {
        //replace "" with path to your site
        result.RedirectUrl = "" + listId + "&ID=" + itemId;
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thanks for this @mnikitina, the form is a different form set edit form, this looks like it would redirect to the default edit form is there a way I can redirect to another form set's edit form?

5ada64aa-37c6-4f53-b737-1603f1b37aeb is for form set ID

Hello @Jamal_Smith-Graham,

You can set up the custom routing to redirect user between form sets. You can find more information and examples in our documentation here.

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Thanks again for the solution @mnikitina, but I have another problem, when I use the formCommand.load function for redirecting from a display form panel, the original display form is still open underneath the edit form, how can I close the display panel form once the edit form is open?

thanking you in advance! :slight_smile:

Hello @Jamal_Smith-Graham,

Please share the code you are using so I could reproduce this behavior.

Thank you!

Hiya @mnikitina

Here is the function that is run when a button is pressed:

//Function to update commentType field and redirect when button it is pressed:
window.commentButtonPressedRedirect = function (commentType){
    var listId = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id;
    var itemId = fd.itemId;
    var currentItems = pnp.sp.web.lists.getById(listId).items;
    //Update item with the commentType
        CommentType: commentType,
    }).then(function (result){
	    //Load the edit form
        if (fd.isPanel) {
            const formCommands = new window.Plumsail.FormCommands({
                webUrl: fd._formManager._webUrl,
                listId: listId,
                listUrl: fd._formManager._listUrl,
                culture: _spPageContextInfo.currentUICultureName,
                language: _spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage,
                componentLoader: window._spComponentLoader
            formCommands.load().then(function() {
                    itemId: itemId,
                    contentTypeId: fd.contentTypeId,
                    formType: "Edit",
                    rootFolder: fd.rootFolder
        } else {
            //replace "" with path to your site
            window.location.href = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_layouts/15/listform.aspx?PageType=6&ListId=" + listId + "&ID=" + itemId;


Ok, I see two panels are open. Thank you!

You can add fd.close() to the code to close the original panel and open a new one, like this:

 //Function to update commentType field and redirect when button it is pressed:
window.commentButtonPressedRedirect = function (commentType){
    var listId = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id;
    var itemId = fd.itemId;
    var currentItems = pnp.sp.web.lists.getById(listId).items;
    //close original panel
    //Update item with the commentType
        CommentType: commentType,
    }).then(function (result){
	    //Load the edit form
        if (fd.isPanel) {
            const formCommands = new window.Plumsail.FormCommands({
                webUrl: fd._formManager._webUrl,
                listId: listId,
                listUrl: fd._formManager._listUrl,
                culture: _spPageContextInfo.currentUICultureName,
                language: _spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage,
                componentLoader: window._spComponentLoader
            formCommands.load().then(function() {
                    itemId: itemId,
                    contentTypeId: fd.contentTypeId,
                    formType: "Edit",
                    rootFolder: fd.rootFolder
        } else {
            //replace "" with path to your site
            window.location.href = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_layouts/15/listform.aspx?PageType=6&ListId=" + listId + "&ID=" + itemId;
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Thanks @mnikitina!

I ended up changing your code a little bit as I don't want the form to close if it isn't a panel! This was my final code! Thanks again :slight_smile:

//Function to update commentType when it is pressed:
window.commentButtonPressedRedirect = function (commentType){
    var listId = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id;
    var itemId = fd.itemId;
    var currentItems = pnp.sp.web.lists.getById(listId).items;
    //Update item with the commentType
        CommentType: commentType,
    }).then(function (result){
	    //Load the edit form
        if (fd.isPanel) {
            const formCommands = new window.Plumsail.FormCommands({
                webUrl: fd._formManager._webUrl,
                listId: listId,
                listUrl: fd._formManager._listUrl,
                culture: _spPageContextInfo.currentUICultureName,
                language: _spPageContextInfo.currentLanguage,
                componentLoader: window._spComponentLoader
            formCommands.load().then(function() {
                    itemId: itemId,
                    contentTypeId: fd.contentTypeId,
                    formType: "Edit",
                    rootFolder: fd.rootFolder
                //close original panel
        } else {
            //replace "" with path to your site
            window.location.href = "" + listId + "&ID=" + itemId;
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