Sorry it is a List Control.
I am trying to calculate the sum of a field and then update fields in the form, this is what calculateStuff function does:
function calculateStuff(){
var productLineItems = fd.control('ProductLineItems').widget.dataItems();
var [totalCostToLucidica,totalCostToClient,orderProfit,margin,productTime,productNetRate] = [0,0,0,0,0,100];
//Calculate Product Profitablity
if (productLineItems.length > 0){
totalCostToClient = parseFloat((productLineItems[0]['TotalCosttoClient.SUM']).replace('£',''));
totalCostToLucidica = parseFloat((productLineItems[0]['TotalCosttoLucidica.SUM']).replace('£',''));
orderProfit = totalCostToClient - totalCostToLucidica;
if (totalCostToClient != 0 || totalCostToClient != null){
margin = orderProfit * 100 / totalCostToClient;
//Calculate Product NetRate
var productTimeItems = fd.control('TimeLog').widget.dataItems();
if (productTimeItems.length > 0){
productTime = parseFloat(productTimeItems[0]['Time.SUM']) / 60;
if (productTime != 0 || productTime != null){
productNetRate = orderProfit / productTime;
//Update Fields
fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Invoice_x0020_Tot').value = totalCostToLucidica;
fd.field('Lucidica_x0020_Invoice_x0020_Tot').value = totalCostToClient;
fd.field('Order_x0020_Overall_x0020_Profit').value = orderProfit;
fd.field('Margin').value = margin;
fd.field('Product_x0020_Time').value = productTime;
fd.field('Product_x0020_NRBPBH').value = productNetRate;
I just need to trigger it when the table is refreshed manually as we have the helpdesk plugin so all List controls have a refresh button hard coded in: