Screen becomes white after a few seconds

Hi, we are experiencing the page becomes white after a few seconds after loading. This is general to all our pages with Plumsail forms.

In the console appears this:
ReferenceError: Cannot access 'r' before initialization
at get current (sp-pages-assembly_es-es_8ce772bf4a4fe5e11c639961da3a439b.js:99:16040)
at ke (spform.js:65:7042)
at Pe.walk (spform.js:65:7922)
at new Pe (spform.js:65:6658)
at xe (spform.js:65:6849)
at ke (spform.js:65:7057)
at Pe.walk (spform.js:65:7922)
at new Pe (spform.js:65:6658)
at xe (spform.js:65:6849)
at Object.set [as baseState] (spform.js:65:7437)

When I installed from the app source, it installs twice, and says it exists solution with same id.

If I download the new one is a cab, so i cannot replace the old one (which is a spkkg)

How do I do?

Same to us, the screen turn white after few second opening the form. Just wondering is this problem will be solved after install the latest version of the Plumsail Forms v.


Hello @Miguel,

You need to delete version 1.0.8 and install the latest version from the Microsoft AppSource. Then re-save all forms to update the app package the form is using.

You can check whether the app package for the form is updated or not by opening developer tools (F12) >> source >> page >>

Both Webpart and Widget must be v.1.1.0. If it's not, make sure you've re-saved all forms for the target list.