Search and return items in other subsite

Hi Plumsail Team! I hope you are well!

I have another weird and wonderful problem which I can't solve.

I have a form/tool which I've designed to specifically track the status of forms held in a different subsite.

Is it possible to retrieve all the items associated with it if I provide a Unique ID?

The code below works but only if the list and form are within the same Subsite:

//Function will search for a Unique ID and retrieve related information
//This is used in-conjunction with the search button
window.searchUniqueID = function retrieveFields(value){
    //get uniqueID
    var UniqueID = fd.field('UniqueID').value;
    //Make sure both values are selected
    if (UniqueID) {
    var filter = encodeURIComponent("Unique_ID eq '" + UniqueID + "'");
    //Filter list and get items
   pnp.sp.web.lists.getByTitle('All eForm Manager Status').items.filter(filter).get().then(function(item){
            fd.field('Form_Name').value = item[0].Form_Name;
            fd.field('Form_Type').value = item[0].Form_Type;


The code above is a globally defined function which is called on button click.

Dear @DryChips,
You can define a new Web for a different site:

var siteURL = '';
var web = new Web(siteURL);
web.lists.getByTitle('All eForm Manager Status').items.filter(filter).get().then(function(item){
  fd.field('Form_Name').value = item[0].Form_Name;
  fd.field('Form_Type').value = item[0].Form_Type;