Set Item permissions

I am creating a WF to remove all item permissions, followed by Site Owners group being granted Full control. This works fine.

I am unable to figure out how to set Contribute permissions on the item for Current Item:Created by.

Please help.


Is WorkflowContext:Intiator same as CurrentItem: CreatedBy ?

Please see an example below:

No they can be different.

Why are those exclamation marks showing up as warning when I check for errors?

Thanks for the other answer…


Unfortunately, SharePoint Designer has some limitation that we can't control, so please ignore the exclamation marks, please just try to publish the workflow and run it.


Can i remove all permissions to the current DOCUMENT(in a document set or document library) and allow only selected sharepoint user groups to access that document in SharePoint Online?



Sure, you can use Remove All Permissions from Item and Grant Permission on Item to do this.