On form edit we have a data table with a Quantity column of type Number. Users should be allowed to increase and decrease the number of the quantity for each row, but not less than the original value.
How can i set the Min property for each row item to be that of the original value in JS?
i.e for row 1 when the form loads, if the quantity is set to 10, the Min property should be set to 10, and for row 2 when the form loads, if the quantity is set to 20, the Min property should be set to 20. The number of rows will vary on each form item.
Seems like the best solution is to create an array and fill it with Quantity values at startup, then check the Quantity column against it whenever the control updates.
I suggest using something like this:
let minQuantity = [];
// Change to fd.spRendered(), if you use Forms for SharePoint
fd.rendered(() => {
fd.control('DataTable').value.forEach((item) => minQuantity.push(item.Quantity));
fd.control('DataTable').$on('change', () => {
let items = fd.control('DataTable').value;
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].Quantity < minQuantity[i]) {
items[i].Quantity = minQuantity[i];