SharePoint Forms not loading, newform and editform.aspx page is blank


SP Plumsail forms are not loading, when we open new item or edit item for any list modified with Plumsail from, it is blank. Oob forms are working. Error below:

activitymonitor.js:211 DOMException: Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.
at Function.ParseAbtCookie (
at Function.Run (
ParseAbtCookie @ activitymonitor.js:211
Run @ activitymonitor.js:106
(anonymous) @ activitymonitor.js:424
activitymonitor.js:228 Error: Error: Idle tracking cookie is missing.
at IdleSessionActivityMonitor.GetCookieValue (activitymonitor.js:365)
at IdleSessionActivityMonitor.InitializeSettingsFromCookie (activitymonitor.js:349)
at IdleSessionActivityMonitor.GetTimeToNextCheck (activitymonitor.js:313)
at Function.RunISSO (activitymonitor.js:221)
at Function.Run (activitymonitor.js:112)
at activitymonitor.js:424
RunISSO @ activitymonitor.js:228
Run @ activitymonitor.js:112
(anonymous) @ activitymonitor.js:424

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Same is happening here.
I guess Plumsail is down? While I was working on the Forms designer it suddenly stopped working and I cannot connect anymore because "Unable to check for license". Also the Plumsail Account page is loading really slow.

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@aseem just checked it and seems to be okay again!

same here just checked. Thanks!

Dear @aseem and @JoshMohr,
Thank you for the reports! There was indeed an issue with out caching server. We're working on increasing it's stability right now. Also, we'll invest development time into removing dependency from the caching server to allow the web services perform HTTP requests properly even when the caching server goes down, so it shouldn't be a problem in the future.

But if you do experience any downtime or any other issues for that matter - please, let us know! You can also send an email to