Sharepoint group user membership in Routing

Hi, @Margo
I want to redirect to specified view an user which belong to a SharePoint group from routing.
I see that i can select group in routing options, but i have custom routing and options didn't work.
i need to check user membership from routing.

Hello @ixxxl,

You can check if a user is a member of the SharePoint group and rout him to a specific form set using the code from this post:

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Thank you, it works.
But when i put it to all my cod in routing simple user can't enter the form. User have edit, but when enter in the form access denied maybe is some mistake?
i have some returns by the Status.

if (item) {
    //first, get the current user

    var user;

    // return Promise

    return web.currentUser.get()

        .then(function (u) {

            user = u;

            return item.get();


        .then(function (item) {

            return web.siteGroups.getByName('SupervizoriIT').users.get().then(function (result) {

                return pnp.sp.web.currentUser.get().then(function (currentUser) {

                  //  if (item.Numarul_x0020_de_x0020_tabel == "985215") {

                        var vb = false;

                        for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {

                            if (result[i].Email == currentUser.Email) {

                                vb = true;



                        if (item.SupervizoriId && item.SupervizoriId.indexOf(user.Id) >= 0) {

                            vb = true


                        if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Creată') {

                            vb = false


                        if (user.Id == item.SpecialistId) {

                            vb = false


                        if (item.Catre_x0020_specialistulId && item.Catre_x0020_specialistulId.indexOf(user.Id) >= 0) {

                            vb = false


                        //  if (user.Id==item.AuthorId){vb=false}

                        if (vb) {

                            return '5d1dbfda-e546-43d6-a28c-93d767147e48'

                        } //view supervizor

                  //  } //nr tabel

                    if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Transmisă') {

                        return '2fe9c0c6-ff85-4e5e-87ca-119f123327d3'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Preluată') {

                        return 'acc1aafa-5e8d-404b-b03b-ec7e319b10e9'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Returnată') {

                        return '79f5dd37-e1c8-4ab2-b4ec-2cf9200b65ce'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Refuzată') {

                        return '98a419f4-ad38-4d88-8614-59dc0f8c2a60'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Pauză') {

                        return '1995262e-84e6-4ecb-a428-6de06a2ec429'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Rezolvată') {

                        return 'a9ad54bd-2be0-4437-ab25-9f24104fcba9'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Redirecționată') {

                        return '731707b4-fed7-41fb-bddd-3d5f11b7dfdf'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Închisă') {

                        return '431689cf-7fc3-478d-a496-ea75cf59779a'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Preluată după Redirecționare') {

                        return '62b2414a-0e25-477f-afdc-ed3c9f3caea1'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Preluată după returnare') {

                        return 'acc1aafa-5e8d-404b-b03b-ec7e319b10e9'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Preluată din pauză') {

                        return 'acc1aafa-5e8d-404b-b03b-ec7e319b10e9'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Preluată după Refuzare') {

                        return 'acc1aafa-5e8d-404b-b03b-ec7e319b10e9'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Transmisă după Returnare') {

                        return '085a3c32-d589-469e-aa61-9c34c87e056d'

                    } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Întoarsă la rezolvare') {

                        return 'acc1aafa-5e8d-404b-b03b-ec7e319b10e9'




        }); //then item


Hello @ixxxl,

Syntax is correct. I have two suggestions:

  1. If a user is a member of multiple groups, you will get the incorrect result. Please see the code example for multiple groups in the same post here:
  1. Try to debug the code or split it to the smaller parts and test. Might be the problem in logic or typos in Form Set IDs.
1 Like

Thank you!!! i added to begin and works perfect :slight_smile:

if (item)
	return item.get()
		.then(function (item) 
return web.currentUser.get()
  		return web.siteUsers.getById(user.Id).groups.get()
				//var groups = [];
                //Check if the user is a member of the desired groups and add them to the array
				var vb=false;
				for (var i = 0; i < groupsData.length; i++) {
					if(groupsData[i].Title == 'SupervizoriIT') {
					//	alert("popal");

				//	alert(vb);  
                //Redirect to a Form Set if the user is a member of a group
				//if (groups.indexOf('SupervizoriIT') > 0) {
					if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Creată') {
                        vb = false

                    if (user.Id == item.SpecialistId) {
                        vb = false

                    if (item.Catre_x0020_specialistulId && item.Catre_x0020_specialistulId.indexOf(user.Id) >= 0) {
                        vb = false
                    //	if (user.Id==item.AuthorId){vb=false}
                    if (vb) {
                        return '5d1dbfda-e546-43d6-a28c-93d767147e48'
                    //view supervizor
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Transmisă') {
                    return '2fe9c0c6-ff85-4e5e-87ca-119f123327d3'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Supervizor') {
                    return '2fe9c0c6-ff85-4e5e-87ca-119f123327d3'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Preluată') {
                    return 'acc1aafa-5e8d-404b-b03b-ec7e319b10e9'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Returnată') {
                    return '79f5dd37-e1c8-4ab2-b4ec-2cf9200b65ce'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Refuzată') {
                    return '98a419f4-ad38-4d88-8614-59dc0f8c2a60'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Pauză') {
                    return '1995262e-84e6-4ecb-a428-6de06a2ec429'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Rezolvată') {
                    return 'a9ad54bd-2be0-4437-ab25-9f24104fcba9'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Redirecționată') {
                    return '731707b4-fed7-41fb-bddd-3d5f11b7dfdf'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Închisă') {
                    return '431689cf-7fc3-478d-a496-ea75cf59779a'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Preluată după Redirecționare') {
                    return '62b2414a-0e25-477f-afdc-ed3c9f3caea1'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Preluată după returnare') {
                    return 'acc1aafa-5e8d-404b-b03b-ec7e319b10e9'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Preluată din pauză') {
                    return 'acc1aafa-5e8d-404b-b03b-ec7e319b10e9'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Preluată după Refuzare') {
                    return 'acc1aafa-5e8d-404b-b03b-ec7e319b10e9'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Transmisă după Returnare') {
                    return '085a3c32-d589-469e-aa61-9c34c87e056d'
                } else if (item.Statutul_x0020_Cererii == 'Întoarsă la rezolvare') {
                    return 'acc1aafa-5e8d-404b-b03b-ec7e319b10e9'


P.S how to make whole code in forum reply to be in one section, not separated as now?

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I'm glad it is working now!

To display the whole code in one section you need to cover them in backquotes ``` like this:

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