Sharepoint Online + Plumsail Forms : Refresh page on form opening

I created a form for my sharepoint online list with js code inside.
If I use the form on Microsoft Edge browser all runs very well, while if I open the same form with Google Chrome I get this error

and then the browser refresh automatically the page.
The error persist until refresh page manually.
After that the form runs well even in Chrome.
How I can resolve?
Thank you very much.

Hello @stefano.mazzi,

Please share the code you are using.

Hello @mnikitina
this is my code:

function filterDocumentTypes() {
    var varCompanyCode = fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').value;
    var varCategoryCode = fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').value;
    var strFilter = "Category_x0020_Code eq '" + varCategoryCode + "' and Company_x0020_Code eq '" + varCompanyCode + "' and Status eq 'Enabled'";
    fd.control('DocumentType').filter = strFilter;

function setExpiration() {
    if (fd.control('DocumentType').ready && fd.control('DocumentType').value) {
            fd.field('Document_x0020_Type_x0020_Code').value = fd.control('DocumentType').value.Document_x0020_Type_x0020_Code;
    if (fd.control('DocumentType').value && fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration == true) {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = false;
        fd.field('Expiration').required = true;
        console.log('Expiration = ' + fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration);
    } else {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = true;
        fd.field('Expiration').required = false;
        console.log('Expiration = false/null');

fd.spRendered(function() {

//Attachments Validation Start
            name: 'Attachments Validation',
            error: "Attachments size limit exceeded. Max allowed total file size is 5 megabytes (MB).",
            validate: function(value) {
              var totalSizeCheck = true;
              var totalSize = 0;
                var size = file.size;
                console.log('Size = ' + size);
                totalSize = totalSize + size;
                //console.log('Total Size = ' + totalSize + ' of 10485760');
                console.log('Total Size = ' + totalSize + ' of 5242880');
                if (totalSize > '5242880') {
                  totalSizeCheck = false
              return totalSizeCheck;
//Attachments Validation End

    fd.field('Title').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').required = true;
    fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Status').disabled = true;
    fd.control('DocumentType').required = true;
    fd.field('Attachments').required = true;
    fd.field('ContentType').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Document_x0020_Type_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Expiration').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Title').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Status').hidden = true;
    fd.field('ContentType').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Document_x0020_Type_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Status').value = 'New';

// Start Content Type
fd.control('DocumentType').$on('change', function(value) {
    if (fd.control('DocumentType').value && fd.control('DocumentType').value.LookupValue == 'Supplier Form') {
            console.log('Supplier Form');
            fd.field('ContentType').value = '0x01004588AAF4AACE1F49A54F0A3997686D80004B3A1483EA07824387A16E5FAD002117';

            console.log('Content Type = ' + fd.field('ContentType').value);
// End Content Type

    //retrieve user profile informations {
        fd.field('Title').value = props.givenName;
        fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').value = props.surname;
        fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').value = props.jobTitle;
        fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').value = props.officeLocation;
        fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').value = props.mail;
        fd.control('DocumentType').ready(function() {
        //filter DocumentType when Category changes
        fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').$on('change', function(value){
            fd.control('DocumentType').value = null;
        //filter DocumentType when Company changes
        fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').$on('change', function(value){
            fd.control('DocumentType').value = null;

    // Calling on value changes

Same code in MS Edge works fine.
Thank you.


Thank you!

The error is related to the Graph function. As stated in this post, you need to clear the browser cookies and try again.

Hello @mnikitina unfortunately your hint didn't solve my problem. I clear all my browser cache and cookies, tried even in anonymous session but the error persist.

Only in Google Chrome I'm encounterin the problem, in Microsoft Edge works fine.
Thank you for your support.

Hello @mnikitina,
do you have news about this problem?
Thank you.

Dear @stefano.mazzi,
Can you try the following code by itself? Will it give an error?

fd.spRendered(function(){ {

Also, please, provide versions of webpart and widget, you can screenshot them in browser's dev tools > Sources:

Hi @Nikita_Kurguzov,
I tried only with the code you sent me and I have the same problem.

This is the version:

Thank you for your help.

Hi @Nikita_Kurguzov
do you have news about this topic?
Thank you.

Dear @stefano.mazzi,
Unfortunately, not much news - we're still unable to reproduce. If you can provide us temporary access to the form, perhaps we'll be able to debug the issue. Contact us at, mentioning this topic in the ticket in order for us to discuss how this can be done.

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Email sent.
Thank you @Nikita_Kurguzov . :crossed_fingers: