SharePoint Plumsail Form: - Error when saving


I am currently working on a huge SharePoint form using the designer client (not web version).

Now I have come to the point when trying to save the form I receive the following error.


Now I have read that it is related to the sheer size of the from transferring across to SharePoint and therefore SharePoint loading the form. I have also read that you can change the webconfig file but im working with SharePoint Online.

Any help would be really appreciated.


Dear @melo,
Yes, this error can sometimes happen if the file size is too large to be saved. Sometimes, this can be caused by large amount of JavaScript and/or CSS code - if it's the case for you, we recommend uploading JS and CSS files to a Document library, and then loading them on your form to reduce the file size, like this - Load external script files via HTML control - #2 by AlexZver