Show/Hide Accordion Based on MS365 Group Membership

The following does not work for MS 365 Groups. We use this block elsewhere for a list of user email addresses but the same code doesn't recognize these MS 365 Group members. How many I extend MS 365 Groups to show/hide an accordion? Thank you.

fd.spRendered(function() {

    var currentUserLoginName=_spPageContextInfo.userLoginName;
    **var arr = [''];**

//This works ==>   var arr = ['', '', ''];
//This does NOT ==>   var arr = [''];

    function enableOrDisableAccordionTabs() {

        if (arr.indexOf(currentUserLoginName) >= 0) {

                // Enable Staff Only Accordion
                fd.container('Accordion2').$children[0].disabled = false;

            } else {

                // Disable Staff Only Accordion
              fd.container('Accordion2').$children[0].disabled = true;


    // Calling enableOrDisableAccordionTabs on form loading

Dear @shedev,
You need to check for the SharePoint groups of the current user, and see if there's the group you need:

function enableOrDisableAccordionTabs() {
  //first disable it here, outside of the loop
    for(var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++){
      if(group[i].Title == 'Supervisors'){
        //then enable it here, if the group you need is found

MS365 groups are even harder to handle, might only be possible with graph API - groups - PnP/PnPjs

What am I missing?

fd.spRendered(function() {

function enableOrDisableAccordionTabs() {
//first disable it here, outside of the loop

fd.container('Accordion2').$children[0].disabled = true;

for(var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++){
if(group[i].Title == 'ExamTeam'){

  }   else  {

// Enable Staff Only Accordion
fd.container('Accordion2').$children[0].disabled = false;





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Hello @shedev,

The code is outside of the function/ I've updated the code for you:

fd.spRendered(function() {
    //create function
    function enableOrDisableAccordionTabs() {
    //first disable it here, outside of the loop
        fd.container('Accordion2').$children[0].disabled = true;
        for(var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++){
        if(group[i].Title == 'ExamTeam'){
          }   else  {
        // Enable Staff Only Accordion
        fd.container('Accordion2').$children[0].disabled = false;
    //call function on form load


Thank you @Margo - I have put this in place and still, members in the SharePoint 'ExamTeam' permissions group cannot see the 'Accordion2' and its contents. I will review more but in all tests, 'Accordion2' remains hidden.


To enable tab for the ExamTeam, you must move the action to the appropriate condition. And tehre is also a type error in the code. I've updated it:

    function enableOrDisableAccordionTabs() {
    //first disable it here, outside of the loop
        fd.container('Accordion2').$children[0].disabled = true;
        for(var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++){
        //was group instead of groups
        if(groups[i].Title == 'ExamTeam'){
                // Enable Staff Only Accordion
                fd.container('Accordion2').$children[0].disabled = false;