Show link to profile to specific users

is it possible to show

div class="personal-page-link"
title="Navigate to personal page"
target="_blank">View profile

this only to specific person like you can only see this or it is active when this is your card or to the parent of the user?

Best regards

Hello @Clemens,

You can add additional conditions to display a hyperlink to the profile view. For instance, you can add a new column called 'DisplayViewProfile' to your user profiles. It will be empty (or set to false) by default. Profiles that have this column empty will not display a link to view the profile.

Note: The process of creating this column is similar to creating a column for a dotted-line manager. Click here for more information.

To make this work, you will need to modify the HTML as follows:

  {{#if ListItemURL}}
  	{{#if DisplayViewProfile}}
      <div class="personal-page-link">
        <a href="{{ListItemURL}}"
           title="Navigate to personal page"
           target="_blank">View profile</a>


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