Space between fields


Is there a smart way to setup space between fields in grids?
this is how it looks now on web:
this is in Designer:


and goal is to get sth. like this:

Of course padding is already set to 0px on grids and fields.
This is an example. I have other form a bit more complicated where I do really need grids.


Dear @Marcin,
It seems like you're using extra containers, do you see these gray lines?

They indicate that each field is inside of another container, and each container has its own margins.

The fields should look like this without extra containers:

You don't need to use more containers to customize layout, check out this instruction on how you can do it with just the form itself - Grids in Plumsail Forms for SharePoint — SharePoint forms

Well... as mentioned real example is a bit more complicated :).
I use nested grids to hide groups of fields depending on value of one dropdown.

But I will just assign the same class attribute to fields instead of grid, get rid off these grids and it will be ok.

Thank you for quick reply!

Dear @Marcin,
If you have to use Grids, try to set their Padding to 0 on all sides: