Step of wizard in form stored somewhere?


I would like to change ticket attribution when a step is complete but i cant seem to find where the value of current step/container is stored. is the value stored somewhere accesible by plumsail trigger or power automate? i got 15 ticket of ticket and each got several step with different group for each step. I need to add that we are using Sharepoint form in the Plumsail helpdesk

I was under the impression that the step could be save so when we open the form back it show the current step but its not linked with any sharepoint field and dont seem to store that value, any help would be appreciated

Hi @Maxime,

The Wizard step isn't saved to SharePoint, but you can manually create an SP column to save and load it:

fd.spRendered(() => {
    fd.field('CurrentWizardStep').hidden = true; // hide the extra field

    const previousWizardStep = fd.field('CurrentWizardStep').value;
    if (previousWizardStep) fd.container('Wizard1').widget.changeTab(0, previousWizardStep); // go to the right wizard step on form load
    fd.container('Wizard1').widget.$on('on-change', function(prevIndex, newIndex) {
        fd.field('CurrentWizardStep').value = newIndex;
    }); // update the extra field whenever the wizard step changes

Make sure to add the CurrentWizardStep field to the form.

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@IliaLazarevskii ,

Thanks for the script, will try this rigth away.
I have a concern about script, will they stop working when Microsoft disable custom script or because they are inside a form webpart it will be ok?

Hi @Maxime,

Our apps will not be affected by this retirement since we recently removed the dependency on custom scripts. JavaScript code on the forms is safe.

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Great thanks for your support.
I dont want to spend a lot of time setting helpdesk for a specific need and find its not working anymore in a couple months. i feel good about it now

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