Subtotal data table values

Hi all - I'm using a data table to add individual lines with costs associated, and wanted to show users the total sum of the "cost" column within the data table in a separate field ("total cost") after each new row is added to the data table.

Can anyone help with the javascript for this?

Hello @Gabegia,

You can calculate the total by column when the line is added/removed within DataTable control using the code:

fd.control('DataTable1').$on('change', function(value){
    var totalDataTable = 0;

            totalDataTable += line.Column1;

    fd.field('Total').value = totalDataTable;

Thanks mnikitina -
Can you confirm that I should just put putting the JS in the current form JS area and the fields I would need to replace in your code with mine here would be:

  1. line.Column1 -- replace Column1 with the column to sum values from
  2. fd.field('Total') -- replace Total with the form field to update

I'm also including in quantity, so I've tweaked it a little, but have no coding background so I'm 100% guessing =)
(costEach column multiplied by quantity column within the data table)

For some reason it's not populating anything to the field. Here's what I'm using:

fd.control('DataTable1').$on('change', function(value){
var extendCost = 0;
var totalDataTable = 0;

        extendCost = line.costEach * line.quantity;
        totalDataTable += line.extendCost;

fd.field('RequestAmount').value = totalDataTable;


Thanks as always for your amazing help!

Hello @Gabegia,

You need to add your code to JS editor, Current form tab:

You also need to wrap the code inside spRendered() event like this:

fd.spRendered(function() {
  fd.control('DataTable1').$on('change', function(value){
  var extendCost = 0;
  var totalDataTable = 0;

          extendCost = line.costEach * line.quantity;
          totalDataTable += line.extendCost;

  fd.field('RequestAmount').value = totalDataTable;

And yes, you need to check the internal names of control DataTable1 and columns costEach, quantity.

If the code doesn't work, check are there any errors in the browser console(F12).

Hey Mnikitina - thanks again, that worked!

I also found the thread here: Work with Data Table using JS on Plumsail Forms for SharePoint which allowed me to update each row values in addition to the grand total.


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