Sync e-mail CC field

I'm evaluating the Sync Email action from the Workflow Action Pack for Office 365: really amazing!
Great job!

By the way, I've successfully sync-ed a shared mailbox and I would like to synch also the CC field, but I cannot see any place where to configure this behavior.

Is it (or will it be) possibile? Am I missing something?

Thanks a lot!

Hello Lorenzo,

Thank you for your question, actually we plan to this feature next week.
I will let you know about the update.

Thanks a lot Roman!

Hello Lorenzo,

We have updated the product, please download new version and follow upgrade instruction

Hello Roman,

I’ll go for the upgrade right now and let you know.


Hello Roman,
Everything worked like a charm!
Thanks a lot…this funcionality is really important for my company to consider buying your action pack.

Thanks again.