Sync Shared Mailbox - Images/Attachments


I’m working with syncing a shared mailbox and noticed a few things I need to change or find a workaround for. Curious for feedback.

Inline images create issues. They do not display in the board post, but if I attach anything (and sync attachments) I can reach the inline images via attachments. But if nothing is attached, inline images are not displaying or attached to the post.

I also notice if I have inline and attached images the source code for the body of the message appears to be incorrect:

<img width="325" height="287" id="Picture_x0020_7" src="/SUBSITE/Lists/LISTNAME/Attachments/8/ATTACHEDIMAGE.pngINLINEIMAGE.png@01D0A358.367E97E0" alt=""/>

This should refer to just the inline image in this case, but it seems it is appending the attached image’s name to the inline image’s name.

My current workaround for the above looks to be to request that things are attached and inline, then I can edit the HTML to reference just ‘INLINEIMAGE.png’ (with no CID as it is now attached as long as one attachment is present) to correct the display.

I don’t know for sure what I stumbled on so curious your comments before I implement a workaround.

Thanks for your help.

I apologize for delay with answer, we need a some more time to reproduce the issue. I will write you with more details during current week.

No worries, much appreciate the effort - I’m still learning of the other fun workflow actions I can use now.

If I can assist in reproduction/explanation, feel free to contact me directly.


Thank you for report. It was a bug. Now it should work correctly.
If you want buy the product please email me at, I will give you a special 10% discount.

Thanks a ton! I’ve confirmed it is functioning as expected.

I’m having this exact same issue? I just installed your Workflow Actions pack last week 4/11/2016.
Inline images by themselves work perfectly and show up on the body field of the list item. But I when I attach a word doc along with the inline images, they don’t show up in the body field once it reaches the SharePoint list. They do get attached as files however.


As I know the product supports inline images only. It doesn’t support inline documents.
If this is critical for your please write us to we can discuss your business case.

Sorry, I guess I should explain better. If I attach a word document to an email that has inline images, the inline images do not show up(are missing) in the body field once it syncs to the list item.


Thanks for the clarification.
We will try to reproduce it, I will let you know about the result during few days.


We fixed the issue, please restart the workflow it should work now.