Teams delivery failed

Had a problem trying to send formatted Powerpoint to an email address so I tried sending the formatted Powerpoint to Teams. This works sometimes. I installed the Plumsail Documents app in Teams and since I am the Teams admin, I approved the app. Sometimes the formatted document is posted to the Team channel, many times I get this error:

Teams delivery failed with the message: { "error": { "code": "notAllowed", "message": "The resource you are attempting to access is locked", "innerError": { "code": "resourceLocked", "date": "2022-01-07T14:26:07", "request-id": "f2fca65a-c47c-4fb2-b8ea-a3b9023762ec", "client-request-id": "f2fca65a-c47c-4fb2-b8ea-a3b9023762ec" } } }strong text

Any idea why this happens?

Hello @john,

It happens when someone opens the file in the online editor and it's got locked. In that case, it's impossible to overwrite the document.

Best regards,
Plumsail team