Thousand separators: (.) is changed to (,) when converting from .pptx to .pdf using the API

I am converting from .pptx to .pdf. My figures have value labels on them, with (.) in pptx. turning into (,) in .pdf. It has to do with regions, and I have defined {locale: "da-DK"} in my payload. Is there another way to define the region for which the conversion is happening?
Thank you

Hello @owinton,

You can create a process with the PPTX file and save it to PDF.

Also, you can select the locale there.

If you're using REST API, then you can Start the created process from API.

Please let us know if it helps.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi Petr
Can it not be done without using processes? I am already defining my locale when submitting for conversion using the API.

    payload = {
        "Data": (None, json.dumps(json_data)),
        "Locale": (None, "da-DK"),

Hi @owinton,

Unfortunately, the action PPTX-to-PDF doesn't have an option to define the locale at the moment.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi Petr
Thanks for your reply. Would it be possible to add this in the nearest future? It seems like an obvious control to have when generating documents.

Hi @owinton,

We'll discuss the feature request and probably add it to one of the future releases.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

@owinton Could you please share a sample of the document?

You can send it to and mention this post.

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