Unwanted HTML characters in tooltip with AboutMe field

When adding the AboutMe field to the tooltip window, it is shown as “raw” HTML. i.e. instead of showing “This is me in a few words”, it will show “This is me in a few words
Is there any way of getting rid of these unwanted characters?
Thanks and Regards


Thank you for your question.

Org Chart uses Handlebars template engine for rendering. By default it escapes HTML tags.

You can change this behavior. Just open the configuration wizard of org chart and navigate to step of the template you need to change. In your case it is “Tooltip template”. Then switch to HTML mode in template editor, find {{AboutMe}} and replace it with {{{AboutMe}}}. Triple square detects that this part of markup should not escape html tags.

You can find more information about HTML template in our documentation.

You also can visit Handlebars documentation to get more information about escaping.