Update app package and re-save forms


According to https://plumsail.com/docs/forms-sp/general/update-package.html where it says when upgrading app package you need to re-save all the forms that you have in the latest version of plumsail forms designer app.

I have tried updating from app package to the latest version. But when i open the forms in also the latest version of plumsail forms designer app, the forms are empty.

What does it mean to re-save the forms?

So I dont know what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be helpful.


Hello @ebags,

You did everything right. You need to resave all the forms, so the scripts can be updated for all of them

Please make sure that you open the form under the same language it was designed for. Please find more information here.

Also, if the list has multiple content types, please make sure you select the correct one in the top right corner of the designer window.