Vertical centering of elements

Hello support team
I have a Sharepoint Chois field and am trying to center it vertically in the field. Is there a simple trick to do this?

I work with the desktop version of Plumsail


Hey @Andreas_Sch,

You can choose the "Center" vertical alignment option like so:
Screenshot (200)

Let me know if this helps.

Hi IliaLazarevskii

the vertical centering is not available to me with the desktop version of Plumsail it seems.



Hey @Andreas_Sch,

Which version of Forms do you use, Forms for SharePoint Online or Forms for SharePoint 2019/SE?

If you're using SP Online, then please update the Forms Designer. If not, centering a field vertically will require custom CSS.

I use the desktop version of Plumsail in version 2.0.7, not the online version.

How can I do this with CSS?


Hi @Andreas_Sch,

Put the Choice field inside any container, then apply this CSS class to the container:

.centering-container {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  height: 600px; 

Depending you your use case, you might need to adjust the height parameter or to assign it in a different way.

Let me know if this helps.

Hi IliaLazarevskii
Thank you very much, it worked just as I wanted it to.
