Watermark PDF with text/timestamp when downloading/printing (for doc expiry)

My apologies if the answer to this question is obvious, but I am a complete novice to using Flow and only just started playing around with it yesterday. It became clear to me very quickly that I wasn't figuring it out on my own and needed some advice.

I am looking for a way to add a text + timestamp watermark to PDF documents when they are downloaded (or printed) from our internal SharePoint site. This is to document an expiration date on documents relating to our quality management system so we don't have outdated docs floating around. I.e., the document expires 24-hours from time of access or something to that effect.

We're a nonprofit, so a digital rights management suite is not an expense we can really justify given the relatively small scope of use, so I'm trying to discover if there is a workaround.

I tried using the add watermark to PDF flow, but it doesn't look like there is way for me to trigger (i.e., download/print)?

Any assistance is appreciated. Thank you.

Hello @Lesbar1,

Add Watermark to PDf action accepts Raw content of PDF document. You may get the content of the source PDF file by "Get file content" action from "SharePoint" connector or from some other connector. I'm afraid there is no other way to provide the source PDF to the action. Could you share you flow details, probably I can suggest how to modify it?

Best regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail team