Where best to create fields, form builder or list?

Does it matter if I create a new field in the List, or in the Form builder?

It seems like a couple of fields I added to the Form don't appear in the list - and I'm concerned that could complicate data migration.

Are there certain fields that don't sync across?

Hello @cashdino ,

In the form builder, I would call them "helper fields" and if you need to store data in the list, please create new columns.

I sometimes use "Lookup" field in the designer only, but then I save the loaded value and selected value as a test to Sharepoint field as text.

there are many scenarios :slight_smile:


Hi @cashdino,

I'll try to add a little to @StepanS's answer. As @StepanS said, there are two types of fields in a form, SharePoint fields and Common fields:

  • SharePoint fields that are automatically loaded from the list. When the form is saved, the data from these fields is saved in a list item. The only way to create a field like that is to add a column to the list in SharePoint.
  • Common fields that are created in the Designer and have no corresponding SharePoint columns. The data from these fields isn't saved in SharePoint, so they are usually added for the user's convenience and managed with JavaScript.

Common fields are actually easier to migrate between the lists, you just need to copy their code to a different form. To migrate a SharePoint field you have to first add a corresponding column to the target list.

Hopefully, this helps!

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