Workflows report (task list)

I have a requirement to list all the workflows for the current user, ideally across all site collection lists.

The client would like to break down the list view to show Site | List Name | Workflow Status | Date

This would be a dedicated page that ideally could also be filtered so a user could be selected (for when staff leave the organisation and they want to see outstanding workflows awaiting approval).

In previous on-premise I used a webpart that showed My Workflows from memory. Otherwise I always had to use the Site Settings or other navigation to get to a Task List for workflows.

Given workflows are now using Plumsail…I was not sure how to approach this requirement. Almost like I need a workflow to gather workflow tasks :slight_smile:

Any advice for SharePoint Online?

As I know there isn’t any out of the box tool that can help you.

We will research it may be we will develop another product for this.

It is still a poor area of SPO in particular, the workflows task reports hidden away.

I will use REST for now to locate workflows for the current user.