You must specify a value for this required field


I don´t know why this happens. I have never seen such an error and don´t know why it happens. I´ve set these fields ás not required.

fd.field('Sales_x0020_organisation').required = false;
fd.field('Division').required = false;
The fields are only required under certain conditions. Which is not the case here.


Dear @Sternchen,
Are these fields set as required in SharePoint List Settings? If they are - that cannot be changed dynamically, they must be set as not required. Then you can set them as required or not with JavaScript.

Oh yeah thank you. This solved my problem. That's what happens when two people work on one list.

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Hi @Nikita_Kurguzov!
Why isn't it possible to change a required/not required field dynamically if it was prior set as required in Sharepoint List Settings?

Hi @Raluca ,
my opinion is, that Microsoft SharePoint stores the table wich a flag "required = true" and Plumsail Forms read the data and is not able to manipulate with the data set in the list settings for columns.


Dear @Raluca,
It's almost like @StepanS says - technically impossible. SharePoint List settings for required field are stored on the server, our forms run on the client (current PC/device), and if submitted form has missing required fields this data won't be accepted by the server.

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