Advanced search

hi, i have a question for the search system wiithin office 365

if i click on “search tickets” and i enter for example a name of a customer, i know there is only 1 ticket there, but i have more results , since customer name is sometimes also in a reply
is it possible to have a search, that only searches on a column for example? like body/title/custom column

i want to have an unique link , we have a crm system, where i want to have a link to this helpdesk system
so if i want to know the tickets of that specific customer, i now have a static link there

example :

but this link is working, but it gives me too much info


Hi, @Fabio.Pergola.

There’s no such feature in our HelpDesk that you are asking about. Although you can use standart SharePoint search quries. Please find information about it here.

Best regards, Kirill Shaklein