Aggregation steps - aka How to show only every n-th value?

Good morning,

I came across with another "issue". My source list is kind of a procution forecast which got entries for every 30min. Summed up the source list got about 350 entries which is far to much to display in a single line chart. It leads to this:

My thought was to use the aggregation. Unfortunately the step count with 10 is far too short and auto is not applicable in this case.
Going to an hourly aggregation with step range 8 gives me this:

Which looks already good but it's missing important information. Only the hours are shown and not the whole value of type datetime. So far I didn't find a working Label format to overwrite this behaviour.

My last possible solution would be to use only every n-th vlaue to show in the diagramm. Any suggestions or ideas where to look for this?

Hello @airliner,

You can specify the display format of the date in Dashboard >> Style >> Category axis >> Label format.

For example, if you want to see month, date and time (02/06 01:00 PM), you need to add this to Label Format:
{0:MM/dd hh:mm tt}


Please find more information about formats here.

Hi @Margo,

Well, I tried this in several combinations and nothing worked for me, unfortunately...

Even with your schema (which would not fit our customers' needs because it's not the common date format) nothing changed.
The log is fine so far:


Could you please share the screenshot of the source list so I could have a full picture.

Thank you!

Here's the screenshot:
Every 30min in "laufzeit" there's a new row up to 10 days in forecast.


The date is not in the usual format.

Laufzeit is a default date column or is it a text, calculated column?

It is a datetime column. The output in SharePoint list view is simply the German locale. The original data source is much worse. It comes from an IBM Informix in the format "datetime year to fraction(3)" which is automatically transformed to a datetime in SharePoint.


Could you please process and export the data as shown on the screenshot, and share the result file. I will build the dashboard with your data on my side and check the issue with the labels.

Thank you!

I'm sorry for the delay. There were some serious private troubles in the last week.
See attached the exported data file.
data.txt (23.5 KB)


No problem. Thank you for the data. The date format is the default one and it should be possible to change the format in the dashboard.

Could you please share the screenshot of the Data Source and Dashboard settings.

Hi @Margo,

There you go:


Seems that rotation of the labels breaks the format.

Please try out the following code in the Dashboard >> Advance settings.

var handlers = {};
handlers.preRender = function(config, logger) {

  config.categoryAxis.labels = { rotation: -45, template: "#:kendo.toString(value,'dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm')#" };
  return true;

Hi @Margo,

that solves my problem. Thank you very much!

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