Category Ordering Not Working in Chrome? [solved]

To sort categories by a specific order, I altered the CAML query for my chart data source, and it works great when viewing in IE 10 and Firefox. For some reason, though, the categories are not shown in the correct order when viewing in Chrome. Screenshots below.

Is there something I'm doing wrong, or maybe a known bug? Can I work around it somehow (maybe by ordering returned data in javascript instead)?



Ended up solving this the same way @annlee did - sorting in the preRender handler. Would be curious to know if this is a bug in Chrome or a bug in Dashboard Designer.

var arrDataSets = config.series[0].data;
arrDataSets.sort(function(a, b) {
  return a.Status_x0020_Order - b.Status_x0020_Order;

Please see [url]CAML ordering not working in Chrome]