Change SharePoint permissions slow

I have over 30 change SharePoint permission actions in my flow. Usually these actions would take 1-10 secs to complete. They are now taking 2+ mins on each of them. Any insight? I have changed nothing in the flow. Just started today.



Hello, @raestrada

Excuse me for the delay with the answer. It took some time to investigate the issue.

At the moment your post was published, I managed with reproducing the issue, so it got to be common for all users. But according to our logs, servers responded in 300 ms maximum. So most likely, it was the issue on SharePoint or Flow side that led to the rapid growth of some actions duration. But now it is back to normal as I can see my own flows and as you said in the support ticket.

Is that issue solved?

Yesterday and today 17:26 PM PST... I cant get my flows to work changing permissions on a list item ...

after 30 minutes I get the following Failed message:

Yesterday same issue, except error message was different and I canceled most flows

Hello, @Thomas_Runds

The august issue was solved. As I was informed, on 21 October, Actions were unavailable from 3:18 PM till 8:30 PM due to an infrastructural issue of Azure platform (maybe it was a bit longer according to the log your flow runs). Now I am checking the "Change permissions" action and it seems I have the same issue as you. I will pass the information to developers to find out what could cause it.

All services work again. Please check. We are investigating what could cause the issue.