Configure link in display mode

The “Configure” link to the application page that is used to create a chart configuration is displayed only when the page is in edit mode. For our scenario we would like to offer this link to the user when the page is in display mode. Is there a way to achieve this? Otherwise it would be nice if we could configure on the webpart a setting to make this possible.


You can add the “Configure” button to a chart by placing the script below into Dashboard -> Advanced. Please, note that if you want to display the “Configure” button for multiple charts, you do need to insert the script into each of them.

[code]var handlers = {};
handlers.preRender = function(config, logger, processor, el) {
logger.debug('Configuration: ', config);
var wpId = el.closest(‘div[webpartid]’).attr(‘webpartid’);

if (wpId) {
    var params = {
        pageUrl: _spPageContextInfo.serverRequestPath,
        wpId: wpId,
        v: 2

    if (el.siblings('div.plumsail-chart-toolbar').length == 0) {
        el.before('<div class="plumsail-chart-toolbar" style="background-color: #DEF2F0; margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 10px;"><a href="' + (_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl == '/' ? '' : _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl) + '/DashboardDesignerAppLib/StartPage.aspx?' + $.param(params).replace(/\+/g, '%20') + '" onclick="try { if ($get(\'ms-rtedirtybit\') && $get(\'ms-rtedirtybit\').value == \'1\') RTE.SnapshotManager.setCurrentRegionDirty(); }catch(e){}" style="color: #F35C47">Configure</a></div>');

return true;
