Create email trigger for a custom field

Hello again,

I have created a "Co-assigned" field so that our agents can assign a second person to a ticket. Is it possible to send an email notification/trigger to the person entered into the "Co-assigned" field? I currently only see the default options, but not the custom field that I created.

I see [Assignee], [CC], [All Agents], [Requester], or I can select a specific contact. Are there steps that I can follow to send to a custom field? I've created the Co-assigned field as a Person/Group field just like the Assigned To.


Hello Davide! Yes, you can use the values from the custom fields as it is described in this article. Thus, try a token {{Tickets.Co-assigned}}. The token part after the period should be the same as the internal name of the column.

Thanks again for the quick response.

But I'm having some issues. We are on 1.3.13 for SP 2016 on-prem. My internal field name would be {{Ticket.Co_x002d_Assigned.Email}}, but any time I start typing {{Ticket it doesn't find anything, and once I click out of the To field it will clear what's there if it doesn't find a match.

If I put {{Ticket.Co_x002d_Assigned.Email}} into the email body it prints out the correct email address.

Please type in the token:


And then press "Enter" - it will save the field:

Hi Evgeniy,

In my version 1.3.13, the form looks different from yours. Pressing enter after typing my token for both the To and Except fields does not save it in the To field. Is there a newer version for SharePoint 2016? The About page says that we are up to date. Maybe not possible in SP2016 on-prem?



Davide, I am sorry for the confusion. I used the online version of the HelpDesk, unfortunately, I could not save a custom token in the on-premises one. I turned to developers with this issue and will inform you about their reply.

Davide, sorry for confusing: the custom tokens are supported only in the version for SharePoint Online. In the on-premises, you can use either the default ones (Assignee, All Agents, etc.) or contacts. Thus, getting back to the initial issue, you can't send the notification to the user from the "Co-assigned" field using triggers. Perhaps, you could integrate SharePoint 2016 and Power Automate through a data gateway to use a flow for sending notifications. In this case, any custom field value should be available.

No worries. Just wanted to make sure. I was going to use regular SharePoint workflows as a back up plan, but wanted to make sure it couldn't be done in a more integrated way in the Help Desk.


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