Generate PowerPoint from Template

Hi I am trying to create a PowerPoint deck from template using SP List data using Flow. I am able to replace text into the placeholders pretty easily but, I am having issues with bulleted list items.

There's not really a lot of documentation from Plumsail on the powerpoint create.. but using the word document instructions I am trying to do that... but what is happening is a separate slide is being created for each bullet item rather than having them one after another in one slide.

Does anyone know how to do this?


Hi @mattw112,
The documentation for the PowerPoint connector is on its way! )
However, you're right, most of the functionality and the syntax stays the same as for docx or xlsx templates.
Please make sure that you've placed a bullet-point mark in the required place.
Here's my example.
This is a template slide:

Here's the JSON:

"Example": [
{"Name": "one"},
{"Name": "two"}

And this is what I get:

If you get different results, please share your template and your JSON example with us.

Hi @v.uspenskii, any update on the documentation for the "Create PPTX document from template" function? I got two questions special questions: does it support pictures as well (docx template engine does) and is it possible to duplicate a while slide multiple times, based on the number of items in an array (not just a bullet-point item).


Hi @SleevesUp,
The documentation on Create PPTX Document from Template Action should be out by the end of the week.
Regarding your questions:

  1. The action does not support inserting pictures, at least for now.
  2. Yes, you can duplicate a slide the same way you can duplicate a list entry DOCx template. Please see here for more details.
    Here's an example. This template will duplicate itself for the number of people in the array:
    Here's the template: pres.pptx (42.8 KB)
    And here's the JSON object example:
		"Person": {
			"Name": "John Doe",
			"FirstName": "John",
			"LastName": "Doe",
			"JobTitle": "Sales Manager",
			"Hobbies": "Music, Sports",
			"Projects": [{
					"Name": "Plumsail Documents"
					"Name": "Plumsail Forms"
		"Person": {
			"Name": "John Smith",
			"FirstName": "John",
			"LastName": "Smith",
			"JobTitle": "Accountant",
			"Hobbies": "Cooking",
			"Projects": [{
					"Name": "Plumsail Org Chart"
					"Name": "Plumsail HelpDesk"

This will generate two slides for John Doe and John Smith respectively.

Thanks for the quick update. Really looking forward to capability to insert pictures, hope it's not too complicated and high on your priority list :wink:

Is plumsail is working for the pictures on pptx file?.
I tried to export picture from power app along with few other text fields . Text fields worked fine but pictures not exported to ppt.


Yes, the Plumsail Documents connector supports pictures in PPTX.

You can find the steps on how to prepare the PPTX template to insert a picture in the guide.

Best Regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail team