Get Sharepoint Item Versions History


I’m trying to make my first Plumsail call from flow to the Get Sharepoint Item Versions History.

I’ve supplied the List URL, the Item ID within that list as well as the field name and the Sharepoint Site URL.

I get the following error (I’ve redacted the traceId), any suggestions ?

  "request": {
    "url": null,
    "traceId": "xxxxx"
  "error": {
    "code": "ApplicationResultException",
    "message": "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.",
    "date": "2019-07-22T06:08:22.5195956Z"

Hello @pfreeman,

Please share with us the flow screenshot in Edit mode and the parameters.

Best regards,
Petr Bushuev
Plumsail team

Hi Petr!

Sure - please find below. If I change the GUID list URL to something which is invalid I get an appropriate error saying that that list doesn't exist. Similarly if I edit the Sharepoint site url to something else it says it can't find the list in that url - so I believe my List URL and Sharepoint Site URL are valid.

Hello, @pfreeman

Is it a constant issue? Could you also provide information about the list the flow refers to? Please describe its structure, data type in columns and other information that could help to reproduce the issue. It looks like it is alright and the flow should work.


this error continues to persist. I can manually view version history for a given item in a list however when I call this function with the same details the same error.

Hello, @pfreeman

Could you provide the information I requested before? I need to reproduce your case since I don't get any errors using the action. As an alternative, you could create a test site, reproduce the issue there and provide me with external access to it or create an account for me. That will allow me to work with the issue because considering your screenshot, all should work properly.

Could you also share traceId of the failed action? Unfortunately, we couldn't find the recent failed ones.