I have a problem to render the chart. On preview I get following error:
12:35:07 ERROR - Rendering failed: TypeError: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode “kendoChart” nicht
Did I miss something?
I have a problem to render the chart. On preview I get following error:
12:35:07 ERROR - Rendering failed: TypeError: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode “kendoChart” nicht
Did I miss something?
Thank you for the issue report. Please, try to re-activate Dashboard Designer at the site collection level. Are you using SP2013 or SP Online in Office 365?
Thank you for your quick answer.
I re-activated the feature several times - no success. Same with new installation.
I use SP2013 Enterprise.
Is the issue reproduced with a particular chart or with all charts? What happens if you create a new chart and try to preview it? Did you insert custom code into the Advanced tab?
Issue appears on all charts.
I simply configure the data source, click process, go to Dashboard Tab und click on preview.
-> Error appears in the console.
No custom code.
May we start a Team Viewer session? Please, send the connection settings to support@spchart.com.
Sure. I’ve send you the settings
Did you find a resolution to this? I am running into the same error. I’ve refreshed with no luck.
The issue related to another version of jQuery injected into every page by a 3-rd party control.