Licence renewal issue

Is anyone else struggling to renew their Plumsail Helpdesk license? Our subscription has been disabled on 2co/Verifone by 'Fuzor LLC'. We haven't had any communication about this that I'm aware of.

Hello Ben,

My colleague Nikita has responded to you in the private ticket. I also checked our licensing database: your HelpDesk subscription has been successfully extended. If there is any continuing issue with HelpDesk, please let either me or Nikita know.

For anyone who may find this discussion: we have migrated all subscriptions from 2Checkout/Verifone to Stripe. 2Checkout/Verifone will display your subscription as disabled, but this only means that you will need to pay the invoice from Stripe upon renewal of the subscription. If you have any questions about the renewal, please feel free to contact us via our sales email address (