Limit Ticket Assignment


are we missing a setting to limit ticket assignment to Agents only? Currently, it is possible to assign to anybody - which imho should not be possible.

Also, sometimes tickets are assigned to "Sharepoint-App" - those tickets elude our Support Team even though they have not been touched yet.

Best Regards

Hello! I am sorry for not replying you earlier: somehow I missed this post.

The 'Assigned to' field is a usual person column in a SharePoint list and thus, any SharePoint user can be added to it. You can restrict possible values there in the column settings. For that, create a SharePoint group on the HelpDesk site and add there only people allowed to be assignees. Then, in the settings of the 'Tickets' list, open the 'Assigned to' column and restrict it by the newly created SharePoint group.

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Thank you! Worked like a charm. Now it would be great to not have to manually assign the Agents, but i guess this is a SharePoint limitiation? Adding a Group to the SharePoint list does not expand the Users of the group.

Usually, users are added manually but you can use SharePoint REST API to automate the process. For example, this article shows how to do that in Power Automate. You can find other approaches if that does not work for you.